

During the years 2002-2003, the Deiherm Affiliated Dimuthu Children and Youth Association worked closely with Sri Lanka Child Care. During this period, the Childcare together with the Common wealth Board Education Fund started an island-wide civil society education advocacy program called Education for All. Its inaugural partner organization, DCYA, became the focal point organization in the southern province of the national program. Since then, he became an active participant in civil society intervention and related strategies for education. There have been many serious challenges especially regarding education in Sri Lanka since then. There is a very lukewarm nature in the civil society in order to find alternatives. 

The organization has contributed to many creative interventions for making the necessary suggestions for that. At present, civil organizations have come together and started a national network called Education Development Alliance. Based on the knowledge, understanding and ability gained from that program, our organization also works with an absolute commitment to the subject of education. Focuses on new developments in pre-school to primary education, beyond primary and secondary education, civil society empowerment and community awareness on policy issues. Efforts are also being made to promote the vocational and tertiary education of today school-leavers, and to socialize adult education in a wide range of ways. Our current role is to launch innovative strategies to ensure sustainable qualitative and quantitative

education that is inclusive for all. It is an urgent need to formulate a national education policy for tomorrow country and conduct civil society consultations for that. It also focuses on a long-term development education approach suitable for Sri Lanka based on national development strategies and sustainable development goals.

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